Thomas Instituut te Utrecht (Tilburg University)

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New in the section publications:

Vol. XXI
Anton ten Klooster, Harm Goris, Marcel Sarot (eds)
The Enduring Significance of Thomas Aquinas

Essays in Honor of Henk Schoot and Rudi te Velde
Leuven, Paris, Bristol CT: Peeters, 2023
ISBN 9789042951105, € 39,00.

This volume contains fourteen papers that show the ongoing significance of the thought of Thomas Aquinas for theology and philosophy today. The papers are offered to Henk Schoot, professor for the Theology of Thomas Aquinas, and to Rudi te Velde, professor for the Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas upon their retirement. Both are members of the Thomas Institute of the School of Catholic Theology of Tilburg University (The Netherlands). The authors are (former) colleagues and fellow Thomist scholars from around the world who want to honor and thank Henk Schoot and Rudi te Velde for their work and friendship. To order: Peeters Louvain

New in the section vertalingen

Thomas van Aquino: De Academische Preken
Ingeleid, vertaald en van aantekeningen voorzien door Mark-Robin Hoogland c.p., met medewerking van Harm Goris en Henk Schoot
ISBN 978 90 79578801, Almere 2015
This publication can be ordered via:
Uitgeverij Parthenon